Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tips to Keeping Your Orchid Alive

Orchids are a one of the largest families of flowering plants. With over 22,000 accepted species and being capable of surviving in nearly every type of habitat across the globe it is a wonder many people struggle to keep them alive. Here were going to give a few simple tips to help make sure your orchid continues to flower over and over again.

Giving too much love
One of the first problems many people face is they are to kind too there orchid, over watering it and placing it in direct sunlight under the assumption that they are native to warm tropical climates and this is what they like. Unfortunately this is primary reason why orchids fail to live up to many peoples expectations as over watering or watering to frequently will kill the roots. The general rule of thumb is an orchid only needs watering every 5-12 days with such a large variance taking into account factors such as the location, the species, the room temperature and the time of year.
Each species of orchid falls into three basic types, those that like to be kept moist, those that like moisture during active growth and those that should be kept nearly dry between watering's. The easiest way to find out which category your orchid falls into is to ask for watering instructions when you buy it.

Lighting the way
Orchid's like all plants need light to photosynthesise and create energy, the right amount of light coupled with the right amount of water will produce a happy orchid. However when your orchid fails to bloom it is most likely due to insufficent light. A good indicator for the correct amount of light is an orchids leaf color. A dark green leaf suggests the orchid isn't receiving enough light where as a red/green leaf color suggests to much. The best location is in a south or west facing window where it should receive strong but be placed in preferably indirect light.

If all else fails
If your orchid will just not flower  but has thick green leaves and a strong stem cut the stem up high just below the lowest bloom and just above a  node. This will allow the plant to produce a new flowering branch at this location. However if your orchid has thin wilted leaves then you should  conserve energy to replenish its leaves by not flowering straight away, with careful watering and fertilising the stem will grow back into shape allow for flowering in the future from a brand new stem. This however can be a slow process as the orchid can take up to a year to regrow.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why Flowers ?

Everyone loves flowers:

Were you aware that having floral arrangements in our homes and places of work gives us feelings of sensual positivity?   Flowers can actually change the way in which our brains work, changing our moods and releasing endorphins to help us feel healthier and more assured.  This is why bouquets and flower arrangements have been used to celebrate special occasions,  given as gifts and used to brighten up settings,  environments and locations for so many years. 

How do flowers add quality to our lives? 

Much research and study has taken place by recognised scientists to discover the qualities and properties that make flowers the ultimate brightener.  Nearly every woman who received flowers as a surprise showed immediate happiness and this happy mood lasted for approximately 3 days after being given them.
The colours and scents that are unique to flowers assist in elevating an individuals state of mind;  by lifting the aura and adding a stimulus to a setting thus helping as an aid to relieve depression.  It has also been proved that people with flowers displayed in their homes show more imagination and creativity compared to those without. 


What other flower power have scientists discovered? 

In the 1990's it was ascertained that cut flowers (and plants growing and developing flowers) helped to lower the blood pressure in patients with various illnesses.  Also at this time it became apparent that patients with flowers at their tables when eating,  consumed their food at a slower rate to those who did not, suggesting that flowers contribute to a humans well-being at a subconscious level.  Other studies have shown that flowers given as gifts and presents are good for developing a bond between a man and a woman and also for improving communication with loved ones and friends. 

So go ahead and spread the powers of flowers.....

With all the stresses and strains that modern life throws at us and the fast paced nature at which we live,  flower bouquets and arrangements are a stress relief, they provide us with a calming influence as well as showing that special person or people just how much we care and appreciate them.